Bryan's Finance Advice — Profile

Name:  Bryan Dehler

Location:  Austin, TX
Birthday:  8 June, 1982
Bio:  I was born in Mather Air Force Base, CA. The youngest of five children, I learned how to take care of myself at a fairly young age. My siblings didn't always feel like playing with me so often times I played board games and with my GI Joes by myself. My father, as you can tell, was in the Air Force so we moved every few years. He has since retired and now lives with mom in Vancouver, WA. I'm across the Columbia river in Portland, OR. I work for a credit union nearby and have been working there for over two years. I currently work at the CU's call center where I, along with 5 others, field incoming calls. I have recently finished my college schooling and am in the process of finding a "bigger and better" job. Hopefully I'll find it soon so I can move out of my apt into, hopefully, a house, condo or townhouse. I don't really like the idea of yard work so it'll probably be a condo or townhouse :) I have ventured into the "online dating" world mostly by accident. In September of 2001 I just so happen to meet a wonderful girl online named Liza (pronounced like "Lisa"). She is a total sweet heart! And she also puts up with me so that says a lot! We didn't officially "hook up" until April of 2003, so we've been together over a year and a half now. She lives in Austin, TX which makes things a little difficult, but we are working on figuring things out.
Interests:  Electronics are definitely "my thing." No such thing as wasting money or spending too much on electronics :) I'm also a pretty laid back type person. I'd rather hang out with one friend and just talk than to "party" with a whole group of friends. I's likes my parties like anyone else, but typically I prefer to relax and get to know people. I'm also a "typical" guy in the fact that I love football/baseball and video games. I just got a PS2 for's been out for what, 2 or 3 years now? Well I finally got tired of my old PS1 and decided to upgrade in early December :D
Blog Created:  Friday, 18 March 2005
Last Updated:  Sunday, 20 November 2005 - 12:58 AM CST
Blog Entries:  144

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