Bryan's Ramblings...
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Thursday, 13 January 2005
Topic: quotes
"There is nothing quite like reality to test one's responsibility."
I came up with that quote as I was driving home from work. What it means, basically, is that you cannot really tell how responsible someone is until they are tested in the real world. Anyone can say "I would do this" or "I wouldn't do this"...but what happens when push comes to shove?
The best example would be pregnancy. Guys can talk all they want about how they would stick around if their girlfriend got pregnant, but when push comes to shove and their gf becomes pregnant, how many actually stick around?
I was thinking about that as I was driving home...and no I wasn't thinking about my gf lol. I was thinking about 4 other girls I know who are unwed and recently pregnant. It's a sad and scary world out there sometimes...
Qwest DSL, part 2...
Topic: ramblings
Ok so I get off of work at 5pm last night and bust ass to get home ASAP in case "Rob from Qwest" is there waiting for me. He's not, so I sneak in the apt and start cleaning whatever I can to make the place look decent (yes...I do have a problem lol).
Anyway, Rob comes by at about 5:15pm. I open the door and jokingly forewarn him about not having the cleanest apartment. He doesn't say a thing, just walks in, puts his equipment down on my futon and turns to look at the television. I just so happened to have "Fear Factor" on tv and he paused for 4 or 5 seconds to watch it. I know it's not a big deal, it's just strange that this man enters my apt, doesn't say a damn thing, and gets mentally sucked into a tv show. Don't worry, the strangeness continues...
He asks me "is anything else plugged in?" I assumed he was referring to electrical stuff because he had to do something that either involved pulling some plugs or potentially blowing a fuse or something. I start to mention the surge protector that the computer is plugged into and then turn to the tv to mention all the electrical stuff plugged in there...
"No, I mean like a telephone..."
"Oh," I said, "yeah I have a telephone right over here." I then pointed over at my telephone.
He then asked if my phone line was connected directly from the wall to the computer, and I informed him that my phone line actually was rewired through my surge protector (that way, if an electrical surge hits, it doesn't blow the DSL box that I don't own). He informs me that he has "never seen a DSL connection work after being filtered through a surge protector." Well, mine worked just fine for over 3 months, and I told him that. Doesn't sound like he believed me. So he unplugged it from the surge protector and started testing the phone line.
Long story short, we checked the wiring to see if it was bad, then we checked the wall connection to see if it was bad. The original wall phone outlet I had used successfully for 3 months aparently was not getting a dial tone anymore (maybe once or twice did I have a slight connection problem to the internet...99.9% of the time tho it worked fine). He then tested the outlet that my phone has also been working just fine for 3+ could hear (through his equipment/instruments) a dial tone that had hissing/interference on the line. So, apparently I've gotten DSL from an outlet that doesn't have a dial tone, and have been using my home phone on a line with a bunch of static. Yet, before Rob showed up (and two days before that) I never had any trouble with DSL or my phone. At this point I asked "well maybe we should try connecting my DSL box to the line with static that my phone used to be plugged into. "No that wouldn't work," he said confidently. "You're lucky you can even make a phone call with that line."
He mentioned to me a couple of times how he would "have to get back there and look at it." "Back there" meaning getting to the phone outlet that is kinda hiding behind an end table, lamp and whatnot. So I offered to move the table if he needed to "get back there" as he claimed.
"Well, I'll have to charge you," he said. After a few questions such as "why would you guys charge me just so I can get DSL connection back?" he mentions that the charge would be $100! $100 just so I can continue to spend nearly $70/month for my phone and DSL?! That's ridiculous!
I told Rob what I thought of this and he kept claiming Qwest would go out of business if they gave away stuff like that for free. He claimed that their computers show that the DSL is "working fine" up until it reaches the box outside, and that it is something inside the apt that is causing the static/bad line.
I figured that Qwest must have the following philosophy:
If something causes a main phone line to go out (affecting multiple customers) Qwest will fix it for free (or sneak it into the phone bill as hidden fees perhaps?). This way, they don't lose a chunk of business.
If, however, it only affects one customer (such as my case, where only my apt appears to have been affected) they will make the resident pay for it. If the resident doesn't pay for it, they will only lose that one customer instead of a chunk.
It's too bad that the execs at Qwest don't know simple business concepts: let's assume it takes Rob an entire hour to fix the problem (I doubt it would even take that long) and he's paid $20/hr (I would hope they don't even pay him that much). Qwest would then be out $20 for labor. Hell, we'll even through in another $20 for the very slight depreciation of his equipment and perhaps new wiring for the apt. So, Qwest is out $40 now. What do they get in return? Well they get to keep me as a customer for one. My happiness wouldn't be measurable monetarily, but my business would be. Every month they would get $60 - $70 from me that they otherwise would lose. In ONE month they would have made back what Rob fixed. Even if it truly costs them $100 (assuming they only charge me exactly what it costs them) then by month TWO I would have paid them back. Each additional month is now profit for them.
Instead, I told Rob if it was going to cost money I'd check with the landlord. If they wouldn't be willing to help, then I would just go with cable internet (it's only a little more $ than DSL, and I wouldn't have to pay $100 to fix anything). I know it wasn't Rob's job to try to keep me as a customer of Qwest or "sell me" on anything (and I can definitely testify that that's TRUE with Rob) but he just shrugged and said "ok." So I helped him out the door.
Out of curiosity I went back to my DSL box and hooked it up to the old phone line (with the static issues). The modem did it's checks and whatnot and within a few minutes: BOOM, the INTERNET LIGHT WAS BACK ON!!! I clicked on the internet explorer button and sure enough I was online.
So much for paying $100 huh? Ridiculous...
Now I have to check my phone bill to make sure the SOBs don't charge me for Rob's visit. If anything, I should be charging them for wasting my time...
Good ol' Qwest DSL...
Topic: ramblings
So I go home for lunch yesterday and the internet is still down in my apartment. I've had issues with it for over two days. I called Qwest on Tuesday night to see if they were having issues: the woman on the other end (from a call center in North Dakota I found out) says that everything is ok on their end. She tried to contact someone in their technical support department (or something like that) and everyone was gone for the day. So she offered to have someone contact me the next day (which was yesterday).
So I am at home during lunch and I started making some food when the home phone rang. I figured it was either a telemarketer or my gf. (I thought maybe she would call to talk since I couldn't get online). I answer the phone and I hear someone mumble something followed by "Qwest." I said "excuse me?" so he would repeat it. "This is Rob from Qwest" is all he said. I waited for him to say more...a few seconds went by and nothing. "Ok..." I said, "what can I do for you?" He then mumbled something about my DSL box (which I obviously knew was having issues, I was just waiting for the person who called to explain why he was calling lol). I mentioned to him that my DSL connection was down and which lights were/were not on or blinking on the box. He then said, "Ok I can be over at 1:30." I explained to him that I had to go back to work and would be home after 5pm and asked if he could come then. He put up a little fight but eventually said he thought he could come around then.
He then asked for another # to reach me at, so I gave him my cell phone. He said he would try some configurations internally to see if he could get my box to work and then call me later. Isn't it a little scary that Qwest can configure things on my DSL box from another location? Wonder if they are able to tap into anything else through my phone line that way lol
Anyway, I told him to leave me a msg on my phone since I wouldn't be able to answer it. Sure enough, around 2pm he leaves me two messages. The first message is just background noise/blank (which makes me think this guy is in his 50s like my dad lol) and the second message is "this is Rob from Qewst. I did some configuring on my end and as far as I can tell the DSL box is running fine. If you have any questions, call me at..." and then he finished it with "I will see you around 5."
So he says it's fixed yet he still needs to come by my apt? I mean I want my DSL connection back...but couldn't they have given me more of a forewarning so I could have either cleaned up a little more or shoved more in the closet? lol
Crazy huh?
Wednesday, 12 January 2005
Anyone else agree...?
Topic: ramblings
If only it were socially acceptable...I could spend 24/7 on the computer. Sure I'd have to get up every once and a while for regular bodily functions and to eat and whatnot (not to mention, give my ass a chance to breathe lol) but other than that I could EASILY spend whole days at a time on the computer downloading stuff, surfing the web, working on my websites, etc...
On second thought...screw whether it is socially acceptable or not...
Posted by Bryan
at 3:56 PM PST
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Updated: Wednesday, 12 January 2005 3:56 PM PST
Enough is enough...
Topic: ramblings
You know what irritates me? People who are using the recent tsunami in SE Asia as a means to vent their frustrations about the war in Iraq. They say things like, "It is very sad that mother nature has unleashed something that has taken so many innocent lives. What is even worse is President Bush sending troops to Iraq for his own selfish reasons so him and his cronies can get richer while more and more American soldiers die. Now more than ever we need to tell Bush we're tired of it and we want..." yada yada yada
Certainly my heart goes out to all of those who have been affected by this tsunami. There are literally millions of people who will never be the same now because of that one fateful day in December. What irritates me to the bone, though, is people comparing "mother nature" to the "mother !#(*&" (as they would call the man in the White House). I understand that many, if not all, of these people who are so against the war are just clouded with their deep seeded hatred for Bush, republicans and general, and anything involving conflict. But to try to compare a natural disaster to a decision to the removal of a brutal dictator just irks me.
Even the loss of life inflicted by the tsunami is comparable to Saddam's executions.
One article in particular lists Saddam's death toll at 61,000 (found by polling Iraq's population) but they said that when Saddam was removed from power, upwards of 300,000 were found in
mass graves, whereas human rights officials estimate that the total could be upwards of 500,000 to 1 million. If that is the case, then Saddam would be "worse" than the tsunami when it comes to loss of life(considering it would be hard to find anyone who agrees that this many people "should" have died from either horror).
So did Saddam kill this many people or not? Did he order the execution of even 30,000 people? If he did, would it not make sense that his removal would be a good thing? Perhaps "democracy in the middle east" is a far fetched hope, but shouldn't we at least give the Iraqi people a chance to decide for themselves whether they want a dictator or a free country? Soldiers returning from Iraq will tell you that the people of Iraq are happy...there are some terrorists and insurgents who are not happy (and never will be unless the US withers and dies) but those who were under Saddam's reign are no longer...
So, please, if you disagree with the war in Iraq, fine, just say it. If you don't like the fact that he is replubican or Christian or rich or white or whatever, fine. You can disagree with his economic policies or his public speaking abilities, but please don't go so far as to say what Bush has done is worse than the tsunami (or worse than Saddam, as some claim). There is just no basis of truth behind that.
Posted by Bryan
at 12:20 PM PST
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Updated: Wednesday, 12 January 2005 1:34 PM PST
Post Office joke
Topic: funny stuff
There was this fellow who worked for the Post Office whose job it was to process all the mail that had illegible addresses. One day a letter came to his desk, addressed in a shaky handwriting to God. He thought, "Oh boy, better open this one and see what it's all about."
So he opened it and read: "Dear God, I am an 83 year old widow living on a very small pension. Yesterday someone stole my purse. It had $100.00 in it, which was all the money I had until my next pension check.
Next Sunday is Christmas, and I had invited two of my friends over for dinner. Without that money, I have nothing to buy food with. I have no family to turn to, and you are my only hope. Can you please help me?"
The postal worker was touched, and went around showing the letter to all the others. Each of them dug into his wallet and came up with a few dollars. By the time he made the rounds, he had collected $96.00, which they put into an envelope and sent over to her. The rest of the day, all the workers felt the warm glow of the kind thing they had done.
Christmas came and went.
A few days later another letter came from the old lady to God. All the workers gathered around while the letter was opened. It read, "Dear God, How can I ever thank you enough for what you did for me? Because of your gift of love I was able to fix a glorious dinner for my friends. We had a very nice day and I told my friends of your wonderful gift. By the way, there was $4 missing. I think it must have been those thieving bastards at the Post Office."
Tuesday, 11 January 2005
Steve Young is in the NFL Hall of Fame!
party time! was announced today...
Marino, Young Among 15 Finalists for the Hall of FameJanuary 11, 2005CANTON, Ohio (AP) -- Dan Marino and Steve Young set dozens of NFL passing records in the 1980s and '90s, some of which Peyton Manning is erasing now. Marino and Young soon might have something else in common: membership in the Pro Football Hall of Fame.
The two retired quarterbacks are among 15 finalists for the hall announced Tuesday. The class of 2005, which will have from three to six members, will be announced Feb. 5, the day before the Super Bowl in Jacksonville, Fla.
``It's an honor to get to this stage of the selection process and to be considered along with 14 other deserving candidates,'' Marino said in a statement released by CBS, where he is a commentator on its NFL pregame show.
``I've always said that election to the Pro Football Hall of Fame was the greatest individual achievement in the game and it would be one of the highlights of my career to join the sport's greatest players in Canton.''
Marino, who holds many of the NFL's career passing records, and Young, who led San Francisco to the 1995 Super Bowl title, are among four finalists who made the list in their first year of eligibility.
The others are Michael Irvin, a member of the Dallas teams that won three Super Bowls between 1992 and 1995, and the late Derrick Thomas, the Kansas City linebacker who died in 2000 after a car accident.
Marino completed 4,967 of 8,358 passes for 61,343 yards and 420 touchdowns from 1983-99 with the Miami Dolphins. He passed for 3,000 yards 13 times in a season, including six seasons in which he reached 4,000. The native of Pittsburgh, who played for the University of Pittsburgh, passed for 300 yards in a game 63 times and 400 yards 13 times.
He held the record of 48 touchdown passes in a season until Manning threw 49 this season for the Indianapolis Colts.
Young, one of the top-rated passers in NFL history, was the 1995 Super Bowl MVP after throwing six touchdown passes in the 49ers' 49-26 win over San Diego.
``It's a huge honor to be considered with the names on this list, some of the all-time greats,'' Young said in a statement issued through ESPN, where he is an NFL analyst. ``I have always had enormous respect for the Hall of Fame and all it represents, and should this come to pass it would be the capstone to my athletic career.''
The left-handed Young threw for at least 3,000 yards in a season six times and had 20 or more touchdown passes in a season five times. Adept at avoiding onrushing defenders and scrambling for yardage, he rushed for 4,239 yards and 43 touchdowns.
His league record for passer rating in a season -- 112.8 in 1994 -- was also shattered this season by Manning, who finished at 121.1.
Two of the finalists had already been determined: senior nominees Fritz Pollard and Benny Friedman.
Pollard, who played in the 1920s, was the first black coach of an NFL team. Friedman played for several teams from 1927-34.
The other nominees are linebacker Harry Carson, who played for the New York Giants in the 1970s and 1980s and was a member of the 1987 Super Bowl champions; defensive end Richard Dent, MVP for the Chicago Bears in the 1986 Super Bowl; defensive end L.C. Greenwood, a member of Pittsburgh's ``Steel Curtain'' teams of the 1970s; guard Russ Grimm, a member of Washington's famed ``Hogs''; defensive end Claude Humphrey, who played for Atlanta and Philadelphia between 1968-81; guard Bob Kuechenberg, who played on Miami's 1972 undefeated Super Bowl champions; wide receiver Art Monk, a member of three Super Bowl winners with Washington; Roger Wehrli, a cornerback for the St. Louis Cardinals from 1969-82; and the late George Young, who built two Super Bowl winners as general manager of the Giants.
Monday, 10 January 2005
Topic: thought provoking
How's this for perspective...
A woman calls to make a transfer on her account. She tells me (and I quote) "I need to make a transfer. Boy these holidays are killing me!"
I pull up her account...between a savings, checking, and money market account she has over $145,000 in her accounts. She has a Visa with less than $300 due and (considering she's 88 yrs old and has so much money) I'm sure she doesn't have a mortgage to worry about. I'd be curious to see what it takes for her not to be "killed" by the holidays...
Feelin' crappy...
Topic: ramblings
Well...let me start out by saying I need to start looking for another job now more than ever...
...and secondly, I hope what happened last Wednesday doesn't get me fired.
I'm assuming you want an explanation now? lol
Well...last Wednesday I was tellering. A shared branch member (shared branch = other credit unions around the country who can come to our branches to perform transactions) came in to deposit a check and get cash back. I can remember the guy like it was yesterday...faces I'm not too good with but I definitely remember him. He handed me a check for $4185 and some change...he told me a good story (I know now it was just a story) about getting into a car accident months ago and finally getting his settlement check. The bottom of the check even listed "Memo: Insurance claim pay-out" or something along those lines...I hadn't noticed that the issuer was a doctor's clinic and put two and two together: a doctor wouldn't pay out an insurance claim, that's what insurance companies are for. So, the issuer of the check should have been an insurance company.
As if that oversight wasn't enough, Shared Branching rules usually state if the check isn't guaranteed funds (i.e. cashier's check) or payroll (next best thing to guaranteed) that a hold is to be placed on the check. Well...this guy told me a good story about needing the money desperately because he's been without a car and he's found a good deal on a new car (also a complete fabrication I'm sure). I made the deposit and asked if he would like any cash back. "Oh...well...I was wondering if I could get $4,000 of it?" he asked. The answer should have been no. The mere fact I gave him so much cash in and of itself could get me into big trouble...regardless of the fact that he was a shared branch member.
Well, I gave him the $4,000 left the other $185+ in his account and left it at that. He had a good story and he didn't want the whole thing cashed out so I figured it was a good check. Well, needless to say, it turns out the check is counterfeit. And it turns out that a teller at our other branch deposited a check in his account for just under $4,000 that turned out to be counterfeit. But what's the big difference? When I went into the shared branching system I accidentally pulled up the wrong members' account. As if the day wasn't bad enough, I come to find out that our credit union might have to eat the $4k loss because I put it in the wrong account! Needless to say, I feel pretty crappy right now.
And, to top it all off...the same guy who deposited two bogus checks with us and got $4k in cash back came into our other branch and cashed a payroll check. Normally not a big deal, but for a guy who owes us $4k and is known to conterfeit checks, those funds should have been held regardless of any permission that his branch (Barksdale CU in Louisiana) gave (and they did give permission believe it or not).
So yeah, it's 3:15pm...and I wanna go home...
Spoke too soon...
Topic: ramblings
Well now the phone calls have been just flying least they have been low key though (yeah I probably jinxed it again). Sometimes you get the really crazy time consuming kinds (fraud, disputes, members wanting detailed explanations for things, etc) but today has been mostly easy (balances, transfers, check withdrawals, etc). So gotta love that at least lol
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"Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."
-- from the movie "Billy Madison"
"Do not compute the totality of your poultry population until all the manifestations of incubation have been entirely completed."
-- William Jennings Bryan
(In other words, don't count your eggs before they hatch)
"When seeking a companion, become the type of person you would like to attract!"
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