Bryan's Ramblings...
Feel free to comment on anything and everything I say!
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Wednesday, 16 November 2005
Back again...
Now Playing: Dirty Jobs - coffee bean plantation workers/marine volunteers/ostrich wranglers
Topic: ramblings
Yep, back again for a second day in a row of blogging. Wow, that's a record for me in the last few months! I'm not even really sure why I'm blogging except for the fact that I'm on my wireless connection on my laptop, dead tired, yet refuse to go to bed. Could I even be blogging in bed right now if I wanted? Sure. But I'm too tired/lazy to wander over there...
I think I'm tired too because of the crazy day of work I've had. I had a few customers who sapped up all my energy...well them and my dramatic coworkers. Everday people talk about quitting or wanting to quit or hating the new management...or even just hating the lunch they got (today would be Melissa's KFC she ordered that had "bones." Yeah, that's right, she got KFC and thought the grilled chicken she got was boneless. It wasn't. So it was the end of the world. It took all my energy not to tell her how ridiculously overreactive she is.
And then there was the Maury show with the woman who cheated on her husband and wasn't sure if he was the real father. He wasn't. Nor were the other 5 guys she's called in to 4 different shows. So apparently it's the 6th guy she slept with...
Ok so that didn't make me much more tired. Nor did the black guy on Maury who found out that he's not the father of his white wife and her even-whiter white kids. Go figure huh? Reminded me of "Me, Myself, and Irene." If you don't know what I mean, watch the movie and look at the color of Jim Carrey's kids.
Well there were plenty of other things that made me tired but, ironically, I'm too tired to go on. I must sleep now...and dream of times of less sleepiness...
Tuesday, 15 November 2005
Yep...still alive...
Now Playing: King of Queens - Lush Life (Season 4, episode 6)
Topic: ramblings
Man has it been a LONG time since I've blogged! I've been busy trying to get my wireless internet working. After plenty of tweaking, I FINALLY got it to work, not thanks to my Belkin wireless card. I didn't want to have to do it, but when I bought a D-Link card to match my D-Link router, life has been MUCH easier.
Hate to keep this so short, but back to surfin' I go...
Thursday, 6 October 2005
Is Fall finally here?
Topic: ramblings
60 degrees did hit 78 as a high...but 60...very nice :) It's the coolest day in Austin since I moved here over three months ago (June 21). I just hope it is here to stay :D
(As you can see from the forecast at the bottom of the isn't...)
Monday, 26 September 2005
Hurricane Rita...
Topic: ramblings
Well the second big storm to hit the gulf coast this year, Hurricane Rita, has touched down. The city of Austin was relatively untouched, weather-wise, by the storm, but at last count they reported 17,000 evacuees from South/Southeast Texas and Louisiana were finding shelter in Austin. Our Convention Center still had Hurricane Katrina evacuees so they started housing evacuees in nearby schools. Not sure when/if they are going to transport those evacuees and get school back on schedule.
I also found out that my brother, Brad, and his wife and daughter decided to move back to the NW and start life back up there. Brad and the family haven't even been back to New Orleans to see what condition his apartment is in. When I spoke with him on the phone he acted like they would fly back someday (soon I'm assuming?) to see what the situation is still at his old apartment and take/ship back whatever belongings they still want to keep (i.e. not ruined by the looting or stinking to high heavens).
Friday, 5 August 2005
1st day at WaMu...
Topic: ramblings
Well I finished my first day of work at WaMu (aka Washington Mutual) today! And boy am I exhausted! I spent about 20 minutes going over the security points at my new job, and literally the rest of the day (short of my hour long lunch) was spent standing at a "concierge station" greeting people as they came in and reading everything there is to know about WaMu. Did you know the bank was originally founded in 1886? Yeah, it was after a major fire in Seattle almost destroyed the city...
Anyway, like I said, I'm really tired from having to stand up all day. You know how it is when you go to church on one of the busy days (i.e. Christmas/Easter) and there is standing room only? Well multiply that hour by 8 and you can imagine how my legs wanna fall off. But then again, I gotta kinda get used to it since none of the tellers have chairs. I just hope I can get trained soon enough so that I can be sitting at a desk and doing what I was hired to do: represent the bank while assisting others on their personal finances. A "Personal Financial Representative" if you will :)
So, although the day seemed unproductive, I did get all of the disclosures and privacy statements read and signed so at least that's done with :) And I get to work tomorrow from 9am to 1pm...a short day so it outta be fairly nice and easy. Guess we will just have to wait and see...
Tuesday, 2 August 2005
Still alive...
Now Playing: 2005 World Series of Poker
Topic: ramblings
Wow it has been forever since I've posted to my blog! Well, two months and one day to be exact...
Since my last posting I have celebrated my 23rd birthday, quit my job at Electra, packed up all of my belongings (except three pieces of luggage, a laptop, a backpack, and a airplane ticket), moved to Texas, traveled to Brownsville (Texas) and then onto Matamoros (Mexico), bought a car (1996 Honda Civic), and got a job at Washington Mutual as a Senior Personal Financial Representative. So...not a whole lot. :) It actually sounds like I've done quite a bit, but I have to admit I've done a lot of lazyin' around and playing video games too.
For the record, my job at WaMu doesn't actually start until this Friday. So...come Friday I'll be a working man again :) And it will be just shy of two months since I quit my job at Electra.
I really miss Electra (and the NW for that matter) but I am sooooo glad to finally be able to be with my baby here in Austin. The distance surely made the last two years rough, but finally we are together!
More later, but for now I need to finish cooking the lasagna for Liza is on her way home from work. And...we are both too hungry to wait while I blog...
Wednesday, 1 June 2005
Ahhh...June 1st...
Topic: ramblings
Well it's June 1st, which means two things:
1. My birthday is only a week away. As I told people at work, I am 22 and 51/52 years old today. Yeah, don't worry, they gave me the same strange look...
2. I'm going to Texas *THIS* month! The wait is finally (almost) over: I'll see you soon baby!
Now who wants to help me pack? :)
Tuesday, 17 May 2005
Topic: ramblings
Man I'm a little tired this morning...I suppose getting only 7 or so hours of sleep would do that to someone...
Anyway, the buzz around all the radio/news sources now is talking about the recent Newsweek scandal. For those who haven't heard:
"Newsweek on Monday retracted the report in its May 9 issue after officials in the White House, the Pentagon and the State Department criticized its publication and its use of an anonymous source. Protests in Afghanistan, where more than a dozen people died and scores were injured in rioting, and demonstrations elsewhere in the Muslim world were blamed on the article."
Excite News)
That particular article even named names: "The article was written by Michael Isikoff, an investigative reporter, and John Barry, a national security correspondent for the magazine." And Newsweek insinuating that the article's writers would not be fired and was even quoted as saying, "We think that people acted responsibly and professionally and ... there was no malice, no institutional bias, just a mistake that was made in good faith."
'A mistake'? 'Good faith'? I certainly wouldn't call what led to at least 15 confirmed deaths and rioting in the Middle East as just 'a mistake.' I sure as hell wouldn't call it 'good faith' either. And who is smoking crack to think it is responsible and unbiased news reporting? They clearly jumped on any attempt to bad-mouth the soldiers at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba like a high school girl jumping at the chance of spreading gossip to all of her friends about Kelly making out with Cindy's boyfriend. Perhaps major media sources do this sort of thing all the time; but it certainly doesn't usually come back to bite them in the ass like it did this time.
This reminds me all too well of Dan Rather jumping at the chance of spreading biased rumors about President Bush's military record; because of that he shamefully stepped down.
The least these authors should do is step down. I'm even debating whether we should, as punishment, fly them over to the Middle East and see what sort of apologizing they can do to the people there. Of course, they would probably be ripped into pieces by the rioters there...but then again, perhaps that's just the "good first step" needed. I suppose that's the price to pay when your fabricated story leads to over a dozen deaths, huh?
May we all read other news sources besides Newsweek...and may God have mercy on their souls.
Thursday, 28 April 2005
WorldView Knowledge
Topic: ramblings
Someone in the yahoo group I joined called "IdLikeToHaveAnArgumentPlease" sent an email about a website where you can test your "WorldView knowledge" (whatever that means). I thought they had some interesting questions; some questions I might not mind discussing more in detail some day. Anyway, the website is:
Feel free to go check it out and see how you did. I scored a 58%, which apparently just means the author of the site and I don't quite agree on it all.
Wednesday, 20 April 2005
The Anti-Christ?
Topic: ramblings
I was at work and reading forums about the Pope from
Catholic Answers and came across one person mentioning how he had heard some people calling Pope Benedict XVI the "Anti-Christ." The person asked to hear other's thoughts on it.
A couple of people mentioned how some people (typically Protestants) think all popes are the Anti-Christ. One person (Genesis315) said:
"Utter nonesense. Anyway, given Benedict XVI's track record he is totally at odds with the anti-messianism that will be associated with the antiChrist. I believe the anti-Christ will embrace the feel good, self gratifying, secular 'spiritualism' of the world."
He/she brought up a very good point: the Anti-Christ would, by definition, be either the devil or hold the properties of the devil (against God, thinks they themselves are God, etc). Therefore, in a society where the secular world is against God, against mentioning religion, against anything that has the word "God" in it, etc. it is someone who *follows* secular thought who would be most likely to be the Anti-Christ; not the other way around.
As Archbishop Fulton Sheen once said (paraphrased):
There aren't more than a 100 people who hate the Catholic church, but there are millions who hate what they THINK the Catholic church is.
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"Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."
-- from the movie "Billy Madison"
"Do not compute the totality of your poultry population until all the manifestations of incubation have been entirely completed."
-- William Jennings Bryan
(In other words, don't count your eggs before they hatch)
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