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Bryan's Ramblings...

Feel free to comment on anything and everything I say!
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Friday, 5 August 2005
1st day at WaMu...
Mood:  spacey
Topic: ramblings
Well I finished my first day of work at WaMu (aka Washington Mutual) today! And boy am I exhausted! I spent about 20 minutes going over the security points at my new job, and literally the rest of the day (short of my hour long lunch) was spent standing at a "concierge station" greeting people as they came in and reading everything there is to know about WaMu. Did you know the bank was originally founded in 1886? Yeah, it was after a major fire in Seattle almost destroyed the city...

Anyway, like I said, I'm really tired from having to stand up all day. You know how it is when you go to church on one of the busy days (i.e. Christmas/Easter) and there is standing room only? Well multiply that hour by 8 and you can imagine how my legs wanna fall off. But then again, I gotta kinda get used to it since none of the tellers have chairs. I just hope I can get trained soon enough so that I can be sitting at a desk and doing what I was hired to do: represent the bank while assisting others on their personal finances. A "Personal Financial Representative" if you will :)

So, although the day seemed unproductive, I did get all of the disclosures and privacy statements read and signed so at least that's done with :) And I get to work tomorrow from 9am to 1pm...a short day so it outta be fairly nice and easy. Guess we will just have to wait and see...

Posted by Bryan at 8:22 PM PDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Tuesday, 2 August 2005
Still alive...
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: 2005 World Series of Poker
Topic: ramblings
Wow it has been forever since I've posted to my blog! Well, two months and one day to be exact...

Since my last posting I have celebrated my 23rd birthday, quit my job at Electra, packed up all of my belongings (except three pieces of luggage, a laptop, a backpack, and a airplane ticket), moved to Texas, traveled to Brownsville (Texas) and then onto Matamoros (Mexico), bought a car (1996 Honda Civic), and got a job at Washington Mutual as a Senior Personal Financial Representative. So...not a whole lot. :) It actually sounds like I've done quite a bit, but I have to admit I've done a lot of lazyin' around and playing video games too.

For the record, my job at WaMu doesn't actually start until this Friday. So...come Friday I'll be a working man again :) And it will be just shy of two months since I quit my job at Electra.

I really miss Electra (and the NW for that matter) but I am sooooo glad to finally be able to be with my baby here in Austin. The distance surely made the last two years rough, but finally we are together!

More later, but for now I need to finish cooking the lasagna for Liza is on her way home from work. And...we are both too hungry to wait while I blog...

Posted by Bryan at 4:14 PM PDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Wednesday, 1 June 2005
Ahhh...June 1st...
Mood:  happy
Topic: ramblings
Well it's June 1st, which means two things:

1. My birthday is only a week away. As I told people at work, I am 22 and 51/52 years old today. Yeah, don't worry, they gave me the same strange look...

2. I'm going to Texas *THIS* month! The wait is finally (almost) over: I'll see you soon baby!

Now who wants to help me pack? :)

Posted by Bryan at 1:59 PM PDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Tuesday, 31 May 2005
Stop To Salute
Topic: worthy read
I think everyone should read this in honor of Memorial Day, if nothing else...


It was raining "cats and dogs" and I was late for physical training. Traffic was backed up at Fort Campbell, Ky., and was moving way too slowly. I was probably going to be late and I was growing more and more impatient.

The pace slowed almost to a standstill as I passed Memorial Grove, the site built to honor the soldiers who died in the Gander airplane crash, the worst redeployment accident in the history of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault).

Because it was close to Memorial Day, a small American flag had been placed in the ground next to each soldier's memorial plaque.

My concern at the time, however, was getting past the bottleneck, getting out of the rain and getting to PT on time.

All of a sudden, infuriatingly, just as the traffic was getting started again, the car in front of me stopped.

A soldier, a private of course, jumped out in the pouring rain and ran over toward the grove.

I couldn't believe it! This knucklehead was holding up everyone for who knows what kind of prank. Horns were honking. I waited to see the butt-chewing that I wanted him to get for making me late.

He was getting soaked to the skin. His BDUs were plastered to his frame. I watched-as he ran up to one of the memorial plaques, picked up the small American flag that had fallen to the ground in the wind and the rain, and set it upright again.

Then, slowly, he came to attention, saluted, ran back to his car, and drove off. I'll never forget that incident. That soldier, whose name I will never know, taught me more about duty, honor, and respect than a hundred books or a thousand lectures.

That simple salute—that single act of honoring his fallen brother and his flag—encapsulated all the Army values in one gesture for me. It said, "I will never forget. I will keep the faith. I will finish the mission. I am an American soldier."

I thank God for examples like that. And on this Memorial Day, I will remember all those who paid the ultimate price for my freedom, and one private, soaked to the skin, who honored them.

~ Army Captain John Rasmussen

Posted by Bryan at 10:13 AM PDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Monday, 23 May 2005
Once a day...
Topic: quotes
"She said she cried at least once a day...not because she was sad, but because the world was so beautiful and life was so short."
-Brian Andreas

(compliments of

Posted by Bryan at 4:18 PM PDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Happy Birthday Dad!!!
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: family
Happy Birthday Dad!!! He's 57 today...still got plenty of years left though. Can't wait to party with him tonight...maybe have a drink or two? :)

Posted by Bryan at 4:13 PM PDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Wednesday, 18 May 2005
Judge Mathis
Mood:  hungry
Topic: people who need help
So I was watching Judge Mathis during lunch again today (as I watch almost every weekday during lunch).

The plaintiff was a woman who was suing her ex-husband/father of her son. The father (now remarried) did not pay child support the first 15 years of his son's life. His excuse was fuzzy: either he was in rehab or didn't have a steady job or something. I couldn't quite figure it out because the guy acted like he was still a little drugged up. Another excuse he tried was, "Well she never filed to get child support." None of the excuses worked on the judge, who further pointed out that a real man would take care of his responsibilities that wouldn't require his ex-wife and mother of his child to take him to court to get child support from him.

Well it just so happened that the son was killed in a drive-by shooting at the age of 22. The reason the mom was taking the dad to court: the check that she received from his wife for $2,000 for the son's funeral had a stop payment placed on it. The reason for the stop payment? The husband didn't like the funeral proceedings. He complained that the reverend was not allowed to speak at the funeral as much as he wanted and the father complained about having to be a pallbearer.

The defendant's wife chuckled at one point when the plaintiff introduced her witness (her sister) and Judge Mathis asked, "What's so funny? The fact that your husband doesn't pay child support or the fact that his son was murdered? What's so funny?" She mumbled something about laughing at the witness and the judge had her escorted out of the courtroom.

The plaintiff and her witness bickered back and forth with the father when Judge Mathis banged his gavel.

With all seriousness and sincerity in his voice he said, "I didn't want to have to say this. I didn't want to have to go here, but I have no choice." He then looked at the defendant. "You wouldn't have to be complaining right now about being a pallbearer if only you had been in your son's life the first 21 years." With that he awarded $2,000 to the plaintiff and banged the gavel again.

I think the plaintiff responded the best when she lowered her head and said out loud, "Amen!"

Posted by Bryan at 4:33 PM PDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Donuts tomorrow...
Mood:  hungry
Topic: funny stuff
(conversation from work)

Jennifer: "Just so you know, I'll be bringing in donuts tomorrow for the meeting."

Trudi: "Donuts? Really? I guess I won't blend up my slimfast in the morning then..."

Posted by Bryan at 4:12 PM PDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Tuesday, 17 May 2005
Mood:  irritated
Topic: ramblings
Man I'm a little tired this morning...I suppose getting only 7 or so hours of sleep would do that to someone...

Anyway, the buzz around all the radio/news sources now is talking about the recent Newsweek scandal. For those who haven't heard:

"Newsweek on Monday retracted the report in its May 9 issue after officials in the White House, the Pentagon and the State Department criticized its publication and its use of an anonymous source. Protests in Afghanistan, where more than a dozen people died and scores were injured in rioting, and demonstrations elsewhere in the Muslim world were blamed on the article."
(from Excite News)

That particular article even named names: "The article was written by Michael Isikoff, an investigative reporter, and John Barry, a national security correspondent for the magazine." And Newsweek insinuating that the article's writers would not be fired and was even quoted as saying, "We think that people acted responsibly and professionally and ... there was no malice, no institutional bias, just a mistake that was made in good faith."

'A mistake'? 'Good faith'? I certainly wouldn't call what led to at least 15 confirmed deaths and rioting in the Middle East as just 'a mistake.' I sure as hell wouldn't call it 'good faith' either. And who is smoking crack to think it is responsible and unbiased news reporting? They clearly jumped on any attempt to bad-mouth the soldiers at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba like a high school girl jumping at the chance of spreading gossip to all of her friends about Kelly making out with Cindy's boyfriend. Perhaps major media sources do this sort of thing all the time; but it certainly doesn't usually come back to bite them in the ass like it did this time.

This reminds me all too well of Dan Rather jumping at the chance of spreading biased rumors about President Bush's military record; because of that he shamefully stepped down.

The least these authors should do is step down. I'm even debating whether we should, as punishment, fly them over to the Middle East and see what sort of apologizing they can do to the people there. Of course, they would probably be ripped into pieces by the rioters there...but then again, perhaps that's just the "good first step" needed. I suppose that's the price to pay when your fabricated story leads to over a dozen deaths, huh?

May we all read other news sources besides Newsweek...and may God have mercy on their souls.

Posted by Bryan at 8:46 AM PDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Thursday, 12 May 2005
Gotta love Craigslist...
Topic: funny stuff
FREE Fireplace Ashes.

Reply to:
Date: 2005-05-12, 8:18AM PDT

During the drought of 2005 I got cold and built a fire. Now I have these ashes left in the fireplace. You can use them for many craft projects or whatever you desire. I will load them in a bag for you.

Posted by Bryan at 9:13 AM PDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Thursday, 12 May 2005 2:10 PM PDT

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"Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."
-- from the movie "Billy Madison"

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-- William Jennings Bryan
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