Topic: ramblings
Well I finished my first day of work at WaMu (aka Washington Mutual) today! And boy am I exhausted! I spent about 20 minutes going over the security points at my new job, and literally the rest of the day (short of my hour long lunch) was spent standing at a "concierge station" greeting people as they came in and reading everything there is to know about WaMu. Did you know the bank was originally founded in 1886? Yeah, it was after a major fire in Seattle almost destroyed the city...
Anyway, like I said, I'm really tired from having to stand up all day. You know how it is when you go to church on one of the busy days (i.e. Christmas/Easter) and there is standing room only? Well multiply that hour by 8 and you can imagine how my legs wanna fall off. But then again, I gotta kinda get used to it since none of the tellers have chairs. I just hope I can get trained soon enough so that I can be sitting at a desk and doing what I was hired to do: represent the bank while assisting others on their personal finances. A "Personal Financial Representative" if you will :)
So, although the day seemed unproductive, I did get all of the disclosures and privacy statements read and signed so at least that's done with :) And I get to work tomorrow from 9am to 1pm...a short day so it outta be fairly nice and easy. Guess we will just have to wait and see...