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Friday, 11 March 2005
Outsourcing debate...
Topic: worthy read
Lou Dobbs to outsourcing: Drop dead

Posted: March 10, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern

? 2005 Laurence A. Elder

Where does it say somebody owes you a job? Sure, for most of us, this seems self-evident. But how else do you explain people like CNN's Lou Dobbs?

Dobbs, formerly the host of CNN's "Moneyline," who now hosts CNN's "Lou Dobbs Tonight," seems downright anti-money. For Dobbs constantly rants at the evil perpetuated by greedy American CEOs. What evil is that? Why, outsourcing! Dobbs calls it "exporting America," while he whines about "cheap overseas labor," arguing that "corporate America" ignores its responsibilities that "extend beyond a quarterly profit statement."

If it sounds to you like 2004 Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry, you're not alone. Kerry, too, skewered CEOs responsible for the crime of "outsourcing," calling the executives "Benedict Arnold" CEOs. "When I am president," said Kerry, "and with your help, we're going to repeal every benefit, every loophole, every reward that entices any Benedict Arnold company or CEO to take the money and the jobs overseas and stick the American people with the bill."

What exactly is outsourcing? According to the American Heritage Dictionary, outsourcing is "the procuring of services or products, such as parts used in manufacturing of a motor vehicle, from an outside supplier or manufacturer in order to cut costs." The outside supplier could be in the same town, or a different state or country. Today, the term "outsourcing" usually refers to offshore outsourcing, where the outside service or product supplier is in another country.

A whole lot of companies outsource, including the parent company of Lou Dobbs' employer, CNN! Time Warner, CNN's parent company, employs about 3,000 people in business process outsourcing in India for its AOL company. According to industry sources, Time Warner is considering using India for various business process outsourcing and back office operations for other parts of its company.

Does outsourcing benefit the United States?

You better believe it does. Free trade works both ways. Jobs coming from other countries to the United States are called "insourced" jobs. While more jobs are outsourced from the U.S. than are insourced to the U.S., for the last 15 years insourced jobs grew by 117 percent, while outsourced jobs only grew by 56 percent. Insourced jobs account for nearly 5 percent of all private-sector jobs, and tend to be higher paying – with salaries an average of 31 percent higher than other private-sector jobs. Foreign-owned U.S. subsidiaries manufacturing their goods here in America account for 20 percent of all U.S. exports.

What about the decline in manufacturing jobs? Can we blame outsourcing? For the most part, no. Manufacturing now employs a smaller percentage of workers, given our dramatic increase in worker productivity. Higher worker productivity means fewer workers required. Between 1995 and 2002, U.S. manufacturing jobs declined 11 percent – identical to the average world decline in manufacturing employment. Yet in the last 15 years, insourced manufacturing jobs grew by 83 percent, while outsourced manufacturing jobs only grew by 23 percent.

The U.S. Department of Commerce reported that, in 2003, the U.S. bought over $77 billion from foreign companies, and sold $131 billion to them – exporting nearly $54 billion more in services than we imported. This surplus accounted for an additional 400,000 jobs in 2003.

Outsourcing and globalization of manufacturing allows companies to reduce costs, benefits consumers with lower cost goods and services, causes economic expansion that reduces unemployment, and increases productivity and job creation. According to the McKinsey Global Institute, for every $1 outsourced, the economic gain to the U.S. as a whole is $1.12 to $1.14.

Consider the CEO who refuses to outsource, believing – as does Mr. Dobbs – this hurts America. His competitor, however, wants to increase profits. When he can, he lowers costs by "outsourcing," using the savings to put back into his business. The CEO who refused to outsource now must explain to his finicky customers why he intends to charge them more.

Consider the real-life example of E-Loan, Inc., a Pleasanton, Calif.-based company that processes loan applications. Because of the growing sensitivity to "outsourcing," E-Loan offered customers a choice. Processing your loan could take 12 days if processed by American workers. If, however, you wanted your results two days earlier – in 10 days – you could agree to have your loan processed in India. Guess what? According to the Los Angeles Times, 9 out of 10 customers choose the 10-day, overseas option. So much for, "I only buy if it's made in America."

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton seems to have a better grasp of Economics 101 than CNN's Dobbs. Speaking to business and political leaders in India, she called "outsourcing" a "reality." Sen. Clinton, offering yet another reason why she may be savvy enough to win her party's 2008 nomination, said, "There are people who feel left behind ... because they do not understand the economic benefits of outsourcing."

Tell Lou.

Posted by Bryan at 4:25 PM PST | Post Comment | View Comments (4) | Permalink

Saturday, 12 March 2005 - 12:28 PM PST

Name: Jackie

It seems as though outsourcing is the answer, but the question remains: Where have all the jobs gone???

Saturday, 12 March 2005 - 12:45 PM PST

Name: Anonymous

Odd. Conservative Republicans often complain about "Mexicans" coming into the U.S. to "take" American jobs. How is this any different or better than complaining about outsourcing? At least guys like Dobbs and Kerry are blaming the right people.

You do know that unemployment has reached an all-time high, right? Gee, why do you think that is?

Monday, 14 March 2005 - 10:14 AM PST

Name: Bryan

This is definitely a sticky situation. On the one hand, sending jobs across borders means people here lose jobs. On the other hand, however, the company is able to save money on costs and (in a perfect world anyway) means us consumers can save money on the same things we used to buy.

I remember a couple years ago coming up with my "Twinkie theory." Twinkies actually scare me quite a bit, which is why it has been like 5 years since I've ever had one. But I came to realize that in order for us as a society to pull people out of poverty (if that is in fact our ultimate goal) then we have to come to realize that these people will never be able to get out of poverty working in a Twinkie factory. I don't mean to pick on Twinkies, but that's just what I was thinking about at the time. The point being, of course, any work that requires repetetive, "a monkey could do my job" type work. It's not to say we should eliminate these jobs altogether in America, but the fewer of those jobs we have, the more we can educate others and move them into better/higher paying jobs.

Even if we have people working at low paying jobs, shipping jobs across borders will still benefit them. I have at least one, if not two, previous posts I did mentioning that. Bottom line, if people working at McDonald's can buy products cheaper since they are made overseas (assuming they keep the same level of quality of course) then they will be better off than if we keep the jobs in America and they pay more for the products.

The ultimate question, however, is if the decrease in purchase price is ultimately "better" than those who have lost their job in America to establish that...

Monday, 14 March 2005 - 10:55 AM PST

Name: Bryan

First and foremost, thanks for replying. I meant to mention that on Jackie's reply too but sent it off before doing so. I like to get a nice friendly discussion going :)

You're right, people do complain about "Mexicans" (and just about any other foreigner for that matter) stealing American jobs, and that is not much different than outsourcing. It reminds me of a comedian, Stephen Lynch, who actually makes up really funny songs (just like Adam Sandler does, only I think Stephen's are even funnier). Anyway, in one of the songs he "jokingly complains" about Mexicans stealing all of the good jobs in America: landscaping, yard duty, and dishwashing. Of course he's joking about them being "good jobs." Often times the jobs they take are the ones no one else wants. And, often times as well, they start up their own business doing landscaping or selling food in carts on the street. ("they" could refer to any foreigner actually)

My philosophy is, if someone is better apt for a job I have or am applying for, why shouldn't they get it? If they are better suited to be accepted to a University than I am, why shouldn't they be allowed in? What really bugs me is when affirmative action allows someone to get a job or be accepted to college above me simply because of their skin color or minority status and regardless of the fact that I am better suited for the job/college. The same could be stated for worldwide access to jobs. However, this isn't to say we should just open up our borders and allow a floodgate of people to come in who are best suited for jobs in America. There definitely needs to be some limits as to what should be allowed. And the problem with some companies is that when they outsource jobs (Nike comes to mind) they don't lower their product prices accordingly to compensate for the lower wages paid once outsourced. So they basically lower costs and keep prices the same. That, I would say, is just plain wrong.

As for unemployment reaching an all-time high. I would like to see the source you got that from. If memory serves me correctly, unemployment reached upwards of 25% during the Great Depression of the 1930s and also had a surge in the late 70s or early 80s. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) unemployment figures as of last October were at 5.4% nationwide ( And, as anyone who has studied unemployment will tell you, those numbers can be quite deceptive. For instance, an unemployment rate of 2 to 3 percent would be considered normal and healthy to an economist. Why? Because that would account for 2 to 3 percent of the population transitioning from a job that they feel is not right for them and they are looking for another/new line of work.

Also, the 5.4% figure would not include those who have been out of work so long that they have actually given up looking for work. There's a term for this, but I unfortunately can't remember it at this time. So although 5.4% looks bad, it may not be as bad as it looks (due to transitional unemployment), or it may actually be worse than it looks (due to those who have given up looking for work).

Although outsourcing would obviously cause American jobs to be lost, that's not to say that those in manufacturing/service jobs cannot work elsewhere in the US instead. Have you come across articles or books that claim the current unemployment problems are due primarily to outsourcing? If so, I'd be curious to read it :)

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