Topic: ramblings
I was at work and reading forums about the Pope from Catholic Answers and came across one person mentioning how he had heard some people calling Pope Benedict XVI the "Anti-Christ." The person asked to hear other's thoughts on it.
A couple of people mentioned how some people (typically Protestants) think all popes are the Anti-Christ. One person (Genesis315) said:
"Utter nonesense. Anyway, given Benedict XVI's track record he is totally at odds with the anti-messianism that will be associated with the antiChrist. I believe the anti-Christ will embrace the feel good, self gratifying, secular 'spiritualism' of the world."
He/she brought up a very good point: the Anti-Christ would, by definition, be either the devil or hold the properties of the devil (against God, thinks they themselves are God, etc). Therefore, in a society where the secular world is against God, against mentioning religion, against anything that has the word "God" in it, etc. it is someone who *follows* secular thought who would be most likely to be the Anti-Christ; not the other way around.
As Archbishop Fulton Sheen once said (paraphrased):
There aren't more than a 100 people who hate the Catholic church, but there are millions who hate what they THINK the Catholic church is.