Topic: ramblings
Well the second big storm to hit the gulf coast this year, Hurricane Rita, has touched down. The city of Austin was relatively untouched, weather-wise, by the storm, but at last count they reported 17,000 evacuees from South/Southeast Texas and Louisiana were finding shelter in Austin. Our Convention Center still had Hurricane Katrina evacuees so they started housing evacuees in nearby schools. Not sure when/if they are going to transport those evacuees and get school back on schedule.
I also found out that my brother, Brad, and his wife and daughter decided to move back to the NW and start life back up there. Brad and the family haven't even been back to New Orleans to see what condition his apartment is in. When I spoke with him on the phone he acted like they would fly back someday (soon I'm assuming?) to see what the situation is still at his old apartment and take/ship back whatever belongings they still want to keep (i.e. not ruined by the looting or stinking to high heavens).