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The purpose of "Bryan's Finance Advice" is to advise you on basic financial issues. My goal is not to give investment advice or "hot stocks" to buy, etc. My goal is simply to give you advice on how to best spend/save your money to work best for you in the short run. For long run advice, please consult a professional...

To visit my finance advice website, please visit

Friday, 18 March 2005
Mood:  cheeky
Topic: rambling
Hey everyone! Welcome to my finance blog. :)

This is the second weblog I've made through tripod. My first one is full of just my own thoughts and other interesting/informative things. That can be found at

Anyway, I work for a credit union in Oregon and I have come across countless people who really could use financial advice. By "financial advice" I don't mean just stock picks or advice on which life insurance policy might be right for them. Most people could use advice on those things, but at this point I am not intelligent enough, nor am I licensed, to give such advice.

The sort of advice I'm referring to is basic stuff that I imagine everyone should already know: how to balance a checkbook, information on how credit works, how Visa cards work, best places to save money in the short run, etc. I was completely surprised to see how many people don't know these things. Everyone has to learn these things somehow (either the easy way or the hard way) so I figured why not be the one to help them figure it out?

I will try to sort the different posts by categories: this one is under "rambling" while the other ones will be under "Visa" or "credit information" or whatever I decide to file it under.

Also, this might end up changing into a different website or design. I might decide rather than a blog to make it into more of a user friendly website where people can search for information. We'll see how things work as time goes. As for now, I'm going to send this one, and then follow it up with a few pieces of information I'd like to share right off the bat. And always, feel free to comment on the website or email me personally at


Posted by Bryan at 5:01 PM CST | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Friday, 18 March 2005 5:05 PM CST

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