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The purpose of "Bryan's Finance Advice" is to advise you on basic financial issues. My goal is not to give investment advice or "hot stocks" to buy, etc. My goal is simply to give you advice on how to best spend/save your money to work best for you in the short run. For long run advice, please consult a professional...

To visit my finance advice website, please visit

Tuesday, 22 March 2005
Managing a credit card
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: credit cards
For today I'm going to talk about credit cards. First I'm going to mention the "rules" of managing a credit card, and soon after I will get into the "rules" of picking a credit card.

(Just FYI: when I have a list of rules like this, clicking on each rule will automatically take you to the paragraph that explains each one)

1. Pay your charge card in full each month.
2. If you are unable to pay 100% of the balance, pay as much as you can as soon as possible.
3. Do not keep a balance in your credit card unless necessary (see below).

You should do everything in your power to pay down (and preferably pay off) your credit cards as soon as possible. Each card gives you a grace period (usually a minimum of 20 - 30 days) in which you can, in essense, borrow the funds without ever paying interest on them. It is important to know when the statement ending date is as well as the due date. For instance, where I work, the statement ending date is the 10th of each month, the due date is usually the 4th or 5th of the month. At the end of business on the 10th, the Visa statement is produced and mailed to our members. The statement totals up all of the charges and credits made previously and it will tell you the total due, and the date it is due. If you pay 100% of this balance by the due date, you will never pay finance charges on your Visa. Easier said than done, though, right?

Keep in mind that every day you have an outstanding (i.e. unpaid) balance on your Visa card past this due date, you will pay interest. Just how much interest you pay depends on how credit card bank calculates interest. Some are generous enough to only charge interest on the difference between the balance due and what was paid (known as the adjusted balance method). In this case, if the bill was $1,350 and you paid $1,000 by the due date, then you would only end up being charged interest on $350. At a 10% interest rate, that would equate to $35 per year, or about 10 cents per day ($350 X 10.25% / 365 days).

Some financial institutions are not that generous. Some force you to pay interest on the average balance (which gets into very complicated mathematics) while others charge interest on the entire amount if the entire amount is not paid in full (known as the previous balance method). The latter one is how the financial institution I work at runs. I've seen someone pay all but the change due on their bill and get socked with $10 or $20 in interest. Of course when they bring this up to their attention we happily reverse it (cause let's face it, putting your foot down over charging $20 since the member was 47 cents short on his payment is a little excessive).

To continue the above example: if I paid $1000 of my $1350 balance due, I would be left, of course, with a $350 balance. But rather than paying 10 cents a day for each day after the due date, I would pay 37 cents a day (or $135 per year). This may only sound like, well, pennies to you (cause technically it is) but the differences are astonishing when you consider the average American has over $4,000 in credit card debt. At this point, you can see where "just pennies" really matters.

Still even other financial institutions charge interest to purchases made between the statement ending date and when a payment is actually received. This is the most favorable method for banks (and therefore least favorable to us customers) and is known as the one-cycle or two-cycle average daily balance. I would like to think that very few banks still do this, but you definitely want to read the fine print to find out if the credit card you have or are looking to get is from one of them!

Here is a pretty good comparison of the different interest rates are charged:

The third rule listed above is to only keep a balance in a charge card unless absolutely necessary. What do I mean by "absolutely necessary?" Well, for the most part it means not holding a savings/checking account balance while you are paying interest on a charge card. The only real exception to this would be if the card you have charges you for cash advances (such as 3% of the amount advanced). The institution that I work at does not charge for such advances, so there is no real reason why anyone should have $1,000 in their savings/checking and they are only making the minimum $25 payment on their credit card with a $500 balance. Even if your rent is $700 and due in a few weeks, it is worth it to our cardholders to pay off the Visa (leaving their checking account balance at $500) then borrowing the remaining $200 in a few weeks to pay your rent. This will, of course, then leave your checking account with a 0 balance (unless you make a deposit before then) but do not fear, you can always borrow more from the Visa. I cannot emphasize enough, though, that this is only the case if there is no cash advance fee from the credit card bank.

You may be thinking to yourself, "what sense does it make to pay off the charge card, then just borrow from it two weeks later?"

I would only respond by saying, "what sense does it make to earn 1% interest (give or take) on your savings while paying 10% - 20% (give or take) on your charge card?" Even worse than that, the interest you gain on your savings accounts is taxable; your charge card interest paid is not tax deductable. What this means is, if you have a couple thousand dollars in your savings, and a couple thousand dollars due on your Visa, at the end of the year your financial institution will notify the IRS that you earned, for instance, $30 of interest on your savings account. The fact that you paid $300 of interest on your Visa will not be known to them. Again, $30 may not sound like much when factoring your taxes, but it may turn out to be enough to bump you into the next tax bracket. I earned $11 last year in interest and I came very close to being bumped into the next tax bracket. So, why wouldn't it make sense to earn only $25 in interest in savings and pay just $250 on your Visa?

Posted by Bryan at 6:33 PM CST | Post Comment | Permalink
Friday, 18 March 2005
Get Your Free Credit Report!
Mood:  hungry
Topic: credit reports
Did you know you are (or will be shortly) entitled to one free credit report per year from each of the three credit reporting agencies (Experian, Equifax, and Transunion)?

Those of us on the west coast and midwest are currently eligible. The southeast and northeast will be eligible by the end of the year.

Go to to see if/when you are eligible as well as to get your free reports.

I cannot stress enough how important it is to get your free credit reports and, more importantly, to correct any mistakes on them. I speak with members all the time who I have to decline for a checking account or debit card simply because of information on their credit report that they deny belongs to them. (I don't work on consumer loans at all so I can't claim to deny any loans due to credit issues; but people are undoubtably affected when applying for loans as well)

Keep in mind: it is not the reponsibility of the financial institution to double check information on these credit reports. If you apply for a car loan and the loan officer pulls a credit report and it shows 10 items that have gone to collections, you will most likely be denied credit. Even if these 10 collections items are in error/not your fault. It is your responsibilty to correct mystakes on your own report. So, please, get your free report each year and ensure that all the information is accurate.

I had a coworker who pulled her report only to find out that there were multiple mistakes on her credit reports that traced back upwards of 5 years. I found a couple of mistakes on my reports as well (accounts that showed still being open even though they were closed). So you never know what wrong information might be affecting the next auto loan, or even job you apply for.

Posted by Bryan at 5:54 PM CST | Post Comment | Permalink
Mood:  cheeky
Topic: rambling
Hey everyone! Welcome to my finance blog. :)

This is the second weblog I've made through tripod. My first one is full of just my own thoughts and other interesting/informative things. That can be found at

Anyway, I work for a credit union in Oregon and I have come across countless people who really could use financial advice. By "financial advice" I don't mean just stock picks or advice on which life insurance policy might be right for them. Most people could use advice on those things, but at this point I am not intelligent enough, nor am I licensed, to give such advice.

The sort of advice I'm referring to is basic stuff that I imagine everyone should already know: how to balance a checkbook, information on how credit works, how Visa cards work, best places to save money in the short run, etc. I was completely surprised to see how many people don't know these things. Everyone has to learn these things somehow (either the easy way or the hard way) so I figured why not be the one to help them figure it out?

I will try to sort the different posts by categories: this one is under "rambling" while the other ones will be under "Visa" or "credit information" or whatever I decide to file it under.

Also, this might end up changing into a different website or design. I might decide rather than a blog to make it into more of a user friendly website where people can search for information. We'll see how things work as time goes. As for now, I'm going to send this one, and then follow it up with a few pieces of information I'd like to share right off the bat. And always, feel free to comment on the website or email me personally at


Posted by Bryan at 5:01 PM CST | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Friday, 18 March 2005 5:05 PM CST

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